The Methodology of Praxeology

Praxeological thinking is based on deduction from certain basic principles, which are rooted in the concept of human action. Our understanding of the concept of action (and hence our knowledge of these principles) derives from our common experience as human beings. No specialized empirical sources, such as historical data, are required. One can think of praxeology as elaborated common sense—that is, common sense as it might be if people generally devoted the time and effort needed to clarify their concepts and to resolve the logical contradictions that they often harbor unknowingly. Open Details window

Praxeology presents a hierarchy of theorems deduced from these basic principles and in this sense is similar to a mathematical system. Although praxeological reasoning can be (and occasionally has been) expressed in a symbolic notation similar to that of mathematics, such symbolism is unnecessary and in fact tends to impede understanding of the real-world implications of praxeological laws.      Next page

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